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无锡奥普顿光电子有限公司于2010年11月由剑桥大学归国博士刘劲松创办,其核心技术为微纳折射与衍射光学元件的设计、制造、测试与应用。公司致力于向用户提供全球范围内质量更好,价格更低的微纳折射与衍射光学产品,包括平顶和各种复杂图案激光光束整形(如激光虚拟投影键盘用衍射元件,基于LD或VCSEL结构光的体感、手势和人脸识别等三维视觉与传感应用的衍射元件),激光光束分束,激光光束匀束(如用于飞行时间ToF三维传感和视觉的VCSEL匀束元件),线条衍射元件,微透镜阵列以及其它各种定制微纳折衍射元件。 我公司创办人提出的衍射光学元件设计方法被欧洲光学学会主席,《微光学元件、系统和应用》(Micro-Optics: Elements, Systems and Applications,周海宪,王永年等译,国防工业出版社出版,2002年1月)一书的主编,瑞士的Hans Peter Herzig(赫尔齐克)教授在其综述论文中认为是“仅有的两种在衍射光学元件形成台阶后仍然表现出良好性能的设计方法之一”。 此后我们多次对这一设计方法进行改良和修正。如果输入光束准确,新的设计方法可以高效率地将输入激光束变换成重构误差几乎为零的输出激光束(输出图像)。 下面列出了公司创办人发表的部分论文与专利。 "Demonstration of Multi-Casting in a 1×9 LCOS Wavelength Selective Switch", by Brian Robertson, Haining Yang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, John R. Moore, Jinsong Liu, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, Mike Pivnenko, Sharon Lee, Adrian Wonfor, Ian H. White, William A. Crossland, and D. P. Chu, "Application of the fractional Fourier transform to the design of LCOS based optical interconnects and fiber switches", by "Use of wavefront encoding in optical interconnects and fiber switches for cross talk mitigation", by Brian Robertson, Zichen Zhang, Maura M. Redmond, Neil Collings, Jinsong Liu, R. S. Lin, Anna M. Jeziorska-Chapman, John R. Moore, William A. Crossland, and D. P. Chu, "Simulation and experiment on generation of an arbitrary array of intense spots by a tiled hologram", by Jinsong Liu, N. Collings, W. A. Crossland, D. P. Chu et al., Journal of Optics, 12(8), 085402, 2010. Abstract "Design of diffractive optical elements for beam shaping of micro pixellated LED light to a tightly focused spot", by Jinsong Liu, A. J. Caley and M. R. Taghizadeh et al., Journal. of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41, 094005, 2008. Abstract "Comparison of simulated quenching algorithms for design of diffractive optical elements", by Jinsong Liu, A. J. Caley, A. J Waddie and M. R. Taghizadeh, Applied Optics, 47(6): 807-816, 2008. Abstract "Diffractive optical elements for beam shaping of monochromatic spatially incoherent light", by Jinsong Liu, M. R Taghizadeh, Applied Optics, 45: 8440-8447, 2006. Abstract "Diffractive optical elements for high gain lasers with arbitrary output beam profiles", by Adam J. Caley, Martin J. Thomson, Jinsong Liu et al., Optics Express, 15: 10699-10704, 2007. "Symmetrical iterative Fourier-transform algorithm using both phase and amplitude freedoms", by Jinsong Liu, Adam J. Caley, M. R Taghizadeh, Optics Communications, 267: 347-355, 2006. Abstract "Automatic symmetrical iterative Fourier transform algorithm for the design of diffractive phase elements for highly precise laser beam shaping", by Jinsong Liu, Martin. J. Thomson and M. R. Taghizadeh, Journal of Modern Optics, 53, 2006. Abstract "Iterative algorithm for the design of diffractive phase elements for laser beam shaping", by Jinsong Liu and M. R. Taghizadeh, Optics Letters, 27(16): 1463-1465, 2002. Abstract "Iterative algorithm for the design of free-space diffractive optical elements for fiber coupling", by Martin. J. Thomson, Jinsong Liu and M. R. Taghizadeh, Applied Optics. 43:1996--1999, 2004. Abstract "Design of diffractive optical elements for high power laser applications", by Jinsong Liu, Martin. J. Thomson, Andrew. J. Waddie and M. R. Taghizadeh, Optical Engineering, 42(11), 2004. Abstract "Diffractive optics element with subdiffraction-limited depth of focus", by Jinsong Liu, Andrew. J. Waddie and M. R. Taghizadeh, Journal of Modern Optics, 50(2):227-237, 2003. Abstract "Design and simulated performance of transmissive phase elements for intra-cavity beam shaping", by Jinsong Liu and M. R. Taghizadeh, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 5(3): 216-220, 2003. Abstract "Simulation of the fabrication infidelity of diffractive-optical elements by using halftone gray-scale masks", by Jinsong Liu, Martin. J. Thomson and M. R. Taghizadeh, Optical Engineering, 42(2):334-339, 2003. Abstract "Fabrication of diffractive-optical elements by using halftone gray-scale masks", by Jinsong Liu, Andrew. J. Waddie and M. R. Taghizadeh, Optics Communications, 208(1-3): 31-40, 2002. Abstract "Apparatus and methods for light beam routing in telecommunication", by Neil Collings, Andreas Georgiou, Maura Michelle Redmond, Brian Robertson, Daping Chu, Jinsong Liu, William Aiden Crossland, John Richard Moore, WIPO Patent Application WO/2012/110811 |